
Life is full of struggles and challenges we are often unprepared for. LifeFamily is dedicated to serving our members and community through various areas of ministry and support groups to face those challenging times.

Looking for counseling or someone to walk through life with you?

We have a team of staff and volunteers who are trained and experienced in many of life's challenges and are ready to walk out life alongside you. If you're seeking professional care and resources, we can also help you navigate that process. Let us know how we can best serve you by filling out this LifeCare form below. Once submitted, someone will reach out to connect!


Looking for a support group?

Celebrate Recovery is a confidential, safe gathering where you can learn how God’s power can heal your life as you talk, process and grow with others who are also on the same journey. Learn about the redeeming and restoring love of God through Celebrate Recovery. 

For more information, email

GriefShare is a 13-week program focused on healing for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. Join others who walking out a similar journey and learn how to make it through the day.  The format includes three elements: video seminar with experts, support group with focus, and personal study and reflection. 

For more information, email

DivorceCare is a 13-week program focused on healing, growing closer to God, and finding hope in the future for those facing divorce, going through, or having experienced it. DivorceCare for Kids (ages 5-12) follows a parallel curriculum with DivorceCare, and is intended for children involved in separation or divorce.  

For more information, email

Lifeline is a Biblically-based group for parents to find encouragement for building a strong relationship with loved ones who have same-sex attraction, identify themselves as gay or bisexual, or are dealing with gender identity issues. LifeLine is open to all parents in the Austin area, regardless of church affiliation.

For more information, email

Encouraging and caring for one another is important to us and is core to our beliefs as Christians. If you are in a season of facing loss and needing to plan memorial services for a loved one, please let us know how we can serve you. 

For more information, email Denise Grosch at

Looking for a LifeGroup?

We believe one of God’s greatest gifts is relationships! LifeGroups provide some of the best opportunities for people to get to know each other on a deeper level, grow spiritually, and form lasting friendships.We have a variety of LifeGroups to choose from: Young Adult groups, Card sharks, Business Leaders, Paddleboaters, Empty Nesters, and more.


Need financial assistance?

We understand that times of financial struggle and hardship happen. We want to come alongside and partner with you to help. Let us know how we can best serve you by filling out the form below.