All Groups

Adult Singles Lunch Gathering Sunday Afternoon Varies - Austin
Leader: Deborah Byers  Contact Leader
Please join by completing the following form:
Austin LifeMom Mornings. Hookwinked Wednesday Morning At SW Church - Austin
Austin LifeMom Mornings. Hookwinked image
Leader: Kimberly Grayston  Contact Leader
Welcome to our group for ALL MOMS of ALL AGES! Join us on Wednesday mornings at LifeFamily Austin for a time just for you! You deserve it! We'll gather to connect with God and other moms as we learn through Scripture and encourage one another in our journey of motherhood. We will start off with breakfast and conversation and then we'll lean into God's Word in small groups with your Mentor Mom. This Spring we are doing the study Hoodwinked: 10 Myths Moms Believe & Why We All Need to Knock It off by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk. Wednesdays: March 5 - May 14 Time: 9:30am to 11:30am. Where: LifeFamily Austin Campus. Room 111/112 Register Here. . Cost: $35 includes book and study guide.
Austin LifeMom Nights: Hoodwinked Wednesday Evening At SW Church - Austin
Austin LifeMom Nights: Hoodwinked image
Leader: Kimberly Grayston  Contact Leader
Welcome to our group for ALL MOMS of ALL AGES! Register Here. . Join us on Wednesday evenings at LifeFamily Austin for a time just for you! You deserve it! We'll gather to connect with God and other moms as we learn through Scripture and encourage one another in this journey of motherhood. We will start with snacks and conversation, and then we'll lean into God's Word in small groups with our Mentor Moms. This Spring we will do the study Hoodwinked: 10 Myths Moms Believe & Why We All Need to Knock It off by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month starting February 26. Time: 6:30-8:30 PM Where: LifeFamily Austin Campus. Room 111/112 Cost: $35 includes book and study guide.
Austin LifeWomen: Isaiah Precept Spring 2025 Tuesday Morning At SW Church - Austin
Austin LifeWomen: Isaiah Precept Spring 2025 image
Leader: Diane Ela  Contact Leader


  • IN-PERSON at LifeFamily Austin:
    Tuesday 9:30a-11:30a
ZOOM: Tuesday 9:30a-12a.

What is Precept Bible Study? For a quick overview, take a look at this brief video.

Study the book of Isaiah to grow in awe of our awesome King!


The In-Person In-Person Class Order your workbook when registering.


Please contact Linda Wisthuff (In-Person group) for information on financial assistance for workbook purchases or any questions.


Please contact Diane Ela for information on financial assistance for workbook purchases or any questions.

Register Here. .
Awaken: Empty Nesters (Marble Falls) Wednesday Evening Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Awaken: Empty Nesters (Marble Falls) image
Leader: Suzanne Brown  Contact Leader
A group for adults, married or single, who are in the empty nest or grand-parenting season of life! We will walk through the gospel of Mark together. Meeting Wednesday evenings at 6:30-8 pm Leaders: Mark + Jana Mayfield Dale + Suzanne Brown Sign-up HERE: Awaken: Empty Nesters (Marble Falls)
Awaken: LifeStudents Sunday Morning Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Awaken: LifeStudents image
Leader: Katie Tyndall  Contact Leader
For all 6th-12th grade students, this is for you! We will break up into groups on Sunday during the 11 AM service and dive into the gospel of Mark together. Make sure to register to get all the updates: Awaken: LifeStudents
Awaken: Married Couples Monday Evening Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Awaken: Married Couples image
Leader: Shanna Nutter  Contact Leader
Let's grow in our love for scripture together as we study the book of Matthew. This group is for married couples of all ages! We will meet Monday Evenings at LifeFamily Marble Falls at 5:30 PM. Childcare available. Register for this group here: Awaken: Married Couples
Awaken: Men's Group Tuesday Morning Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Awaken: Men's Group image
Leader: Andy Sellmann  Contact Leader
Group for men of all ages and life-stages that desire more of Jesus TOGETHER. Will meet together at 6:30 AM at LifeFamily Marble Falls.

Group Leaders: Andy Sellmann

Location: LifeFamily Marble Falls

Register for this group here: Awaken: Men's (Tuesday)
Awaken: Women's Evening Thursday Evening Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Awaken: Women's Evening image
Leader: Katie Tyndall  Contact Leader
This Awaken Group is for anyone wanting to grow deeper in their faith and experience the gospel in community. Together, we learn to experience God's Word, prayer, and the Holy Spirit while practicing the rhythms of Jesus in our daily lives. This semester we will be walking through the book of Mark together on Thursday's at 7 PM. This group will be at the home of Katie Tyndall in Marble Falls. Register for this group here: Awaken: Women's Evening
Awaken: Women's Morning Wednesday Morning Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Awaken: Women's Morning image
Leader: Chelsea Giles  Contact Leader
This Awaken Group is for women who are wanting to grow deeper in their faith and experience the gospel in community. Together, we learn to experience God's Word, prayer, and the Holy Spirit while practicing the rhythms of Jesus in our daily lives. This semester we will be walking through the book of Mark together on Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30 AM at LifeFamily Marble Falls. Register Here: Awaken: Women's Morning
Bastrop - Tuesday Morning Bible Study Tuesday Morning Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop - Tuesday Morning Bible Study image
Leader: Nancy Stanek  Contact Leader
  • LifeFamily Bastrop Bible Study
    When: Weekly on Tuesdays
    Time: 10:00a.m. - Noon
    Where: Fellowship Hall at LifeFamily Bastrop

Register Here: LifeFamily Bastrop - Tuesday Bible Study

Bastrop Emmaus Group Saturday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop Emmaus Group image
Leader: Sonia Young  Contact Leader

Our group is open to anyone from any community who has attended the Walk to Emmaus retreat or anyone who is interested in going to the Walk to Emmaus. We join together for a potluck meal, praise and worship and communion.

We meet the third Saturday of the month from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at LifeFamily Bastrop, 1096 HWY 71 West, Bastrop, Texas 78602

(*We do not meet in April, October or December.)




Bastrop: The Building Blocks of Safety Sunday Afternoon Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop:  The Building Blocks of Safety image
Leader: Benjamin (Ben) Rizk  Contact Leader

Using Kingdom-minded principles, this class equips you to become the answer in safety and security. With a law enforcement background, I have designed this class to primarily cover conflict resolution along with medical response training.

Meets at LifeFamily Bastrop, 1096 Hwy 71 West Bastrop, TX

Sundays, Feb. 23- March 16, 2025

4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Register Here

Leader: Ben Rizk

Bastrop: A New You Bible Study Sunday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: A New You Bible Study image
Leader: Scott Stanek  Contact Leader

This Bible study is designed to help you deepen your understanding of the Bible, learn how to deepen your life of faith, and develop a closer walk with God.  Through these studies, our goal is to equip you to trust God more fully, recognize His presence in your daily life, and discern His voice with clarity and confidence.

We meet weekly on Sunday evenings. Come early for food and fellowship (5:00 p.m.).

Time: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Class Begins on Sunday, February 23, 2025

Leader: Pastor Scott Stanek

*Childcare is available by pre-registration


Bastrop: ALPHA Tuesday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: ALPHA image
Leader: Denise Santella  Contact Leader

ALPHA helps create a space for honest conversation around some of life's biggest questions. It is designed to provide guests an opportunity to connect with one another while providing the opportunity to share thoughts, ideas, and opinions in a safe and caring environment. Alpha helps bring people together while providing the chance to encounter Jesus.   Alpha's content explores the basics of the Christian faith which makes it a great opportunity for those who wouldn't call themselves Christians, or who are exploring the Christian faith and Jesus.  Those new to following Jesus will also find it a great experience!

What happens at Alpha?

  • Connection:  Connecting with others is what we were made for. All sessions start with a time to connect and build friendships, eliminating awkwardness and creating space for important conversations.
  • Content:  Alpha's content explores the big questions we all ask, and guests from any background can unpack the basics of Christian faith. Bring your questions, you'll find you're not alone. 
  • Conversation:  Those who attend Alpha share that their small group discussions are hands-down the best part of the experience. No questions are off limits and there's nothing you can't say (really). 

When:  Tuesday evenings beginning February 18th.  Alpha meets every Tuesday for 10 weeks.  Feel free to bring a friend!
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Where: LifeFamily Bastrop - Fellowship Hall

A meal will be provided each week!  (free will offering)



Watch Alpha Trailer Here

Bastrop: Bible Troopers Sunday Afternoon Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Bible Troopers image
Leader: Joshua Hoefer  Contact Leader

Do you have an interest in memorizing and meditating the Scriptures? This LifeGroup is open to all those with a desire to get the Word inside their hearts and to walk this journey with others.

We eat a potluck meal together after church, have activities and discussions, develop relationships with others, encourage creativity and fun, and pray and sing..

Winter/Spring 2025 Schedule

2nd and 4th Sundays

Time: 1:00 to 3:30 pm

Leaders: Josh and Vanessa Hoeffer

Sign Up Here

Bastrop: Biblical Citizenship Thursday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Biblical Citizenship image
Leader: Kathy Rizk  Contact Leader

Our goal is to equip believers to actively participate in choosing local, state and national leaders through the lens of Biblical principles. We believe that God instituted family, church and government and has intended His people to be good stewards with what He has entrusted to us.

Thursdays 6:00 -8:00 pm

We meet at LifeFamily Bastrop, 1096 HWY 71 West Bastrop, Texas

Classes Begin on Thursday, February 20, 2025

Sign Up Here

Bastrop: Branches of Gold Friday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Branches of Gold image
Leader: Maureen Burke  Contact Leader

Meets almost every month usually on Friday. Watch your email for reminders.
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
LifeFamily Bastrop

Register Here

Next Meeting Date: Friday, February 14, 2025 We are a fellowship of seniors 55 and older, both married and single, who meet almost every month for a great time of fun, food, fellowship and spiritual growth. We offer fun events throughout the year which include:

  • Game Nights
  • Christmas Parties
  • Barbeques

Our purpose is to serve the Lord as branches of gold that reach out in love and helpful ministry to all of our church family here at LifeFamily Bastrop and also to our surrounding community. This is an opportunity to get together with other people in our church and to invite friends or neighbors who might not have a church home.

We invite you to come join us for our next meeting in the fellowship hall for a great night! We would love to get to know you. Visitors are always welcome.

We look forward to meeting you.

Dale & Maureen Burke

John 15:5   Jesus is the Vine and we are the Branches of Gold who have experience, wisdom and faithfulness to share with others.



Bastrop: Celebrate Recovery Friday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Celebrate Recovery image
Leader: Kathy Kelley  Contact Leader


Are you struggling with feelings of shame, guilt, or blame? There is healing and freedom for you in God. Learn about redeeming and restoring love through Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery is a confidential, safe gathering where you can learn about how your life can be healed by God's power, as you talk and process and grow with others who are also on the same journey.

We meet at LifeFamily Bastrop, 1096 Hwy 71 West on Fridays from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

For more information on this support group, visit Celebrate Recovery

Group begins on Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Sign Up Here

Bastrop: Couples Saturday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Couples image
Leader: Sarah St Cyr  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for married or engaged couples to meet with each other and support one another in building thriving marriages and families. We will meet once a month at our home in Bastrop and will have different activities such as nights of prayer, a book study or just food and fellowship. Kids are welcomed.

Meets once a month on various Saturdays beginning in March 2025.

Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Leaders: Josh & Sarah

Sign Up Here

Bastrop: Creative Arts Family Saturday Morning Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Leader: Tiffany Kent  Contact Leader
The vision for our group is to follow our Creator with the gifts He has given us and to discover talents we didn't even know we have. We desire to create a space for creative artists to support one another and grow as we go forward with our talents and interests. Meeting Schedule: 3rd Saturday of the month from 10:00 am to Noon LifeFamily Bastrop


Bastrop: Dinner with the Psalms Friday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Leader: Kathy Brown  Contact Leader

Our group will combine the fellowship of a family style (all ages and stages) shared meal with discussion of selected Psalms. Children are welcome.

We meet the first Friday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in our home in Smithville.

Leaders: Dave and Kathy Brown

Sign Up Here


Bastrop: DivorceCare Sunday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: DivorceCare image
Leader: Gordon Broussard  Contact Leader

DivorceCare is a 13-week program focused on healing, growing closer to God, and finding hope in the future for those facing divorce, going through, or having experienced it. DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you'll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.

Sunday Nights 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. hosted at LifeFamily Bastrop

For more information, visit Learn More About DivorceCare

Sign Up Here

Learn More About DivorceCare

Bastrop: Emmaus Reunion Group Saturday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Emmaus Reunion Group image
Leader: Sean Keahey  Contact Leader
We are a small group that focuses on growing our relationship with Jesus Christ. We do this by encouraging and equipping each other to better serve our churches, communities, families and each other. When we meet, we pray, worship, have supportive discussions and break bread. We encourage brining a snack, drinks or a dish to share. We meet at our home in Circle D the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at 6:30 pm


Can't wait to meet you, Sean and Marisol
Bastrop: Fellowship and Fun Saturday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Leader: Denise Busche  Contact Leader

Come join us as we enjoy fellowship and develop relationships with other members of LifeFamily Bastrop. 


Sat. March 8, 2025       Potluck Dinner 5:30-8:30-  LifeFamily Bastrop Fellowship Hall

Sat. April 12, 2025       Pasta & Pizza- 6:00-8:00- Busche's home- RSVP required

Sat. June 14, 2025        Bowling- 11:00 a.m.- Film Alley

Sat. July 12, 2025         Dinner- 5:30 p.m.- El Nuevo Mexican restaurant


Mike and Denise Busche- Leaders

Sign Up Here

Bastrop: GriefShare Sunday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: GriefShare image
Leader: Marisol Keahey  Contact Leader

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. GriefShare is for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. We understand that there are other losses in life that create feelings of grief. You might be experiencing a job loss, a divorce, estrangement from a child, or the loss of friends because of a move. This grief is real, but it is not the kind of grief discussed in GriefShare sessions.


5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Feb. 23, 2025 - May 25, 2025

Meets at LifeFamily Bastrop, 1096 Hwy 71 West Bastrop, Texas

Childcare is provided with pre-registration

Leaders: Maureen Stanek and Marisol Keahey

Register Here for GriefShare

Bastrop: Healing School Sunday Afternoon Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Healing School image
Leader: Joan Boethel  Contact Leader

The gospel of healing is a great treasure to every believer who knows what Jesus accomplished for them in the Atonement. Psalm 103:2-3 says, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases."
This class is designed to be a faith builder for all who are being physically or mentally challenged. Psalm 107:20 declares, He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions."

We invite you to come expecting God to meet you in all of His presence and power. Each class will conclude with prayer for the sick and afflicted.

Sign Up Here

Meets Sundays from 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Class begins on 2/16//25

Leader: Pastor Joan Boethel
LifeFamily Bastrop
1096 HWY 71 West
Bastrop, Texas 78602

Bastrop: Hope Builders Saturday Morning Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Leader: Kathy Kelley  Contact Leader

Looking for a way to share God's love and make a difference in our community? Join our Evangelism Group, where we come together to spread the Good News, serve others, and build lasting connections through Christ!

What We Do: ✨

  • Outreach events in the community
  • Engage in meaningful conversations about faith
  • Pray together and support each other
  • Share hope, love, and God's message with those around us

No Experience Needed! Whether you're a seasoned evangelist or just have a heart for reaching others, everyone is welcome. Come grow with us as we learn and serve together!

Interested? Join us at our next meeting! The meeting place is Life Family Bastrop on the 1st Saturday of each month at 11:00 a.m. Dress comfortably there will be walking.

Begins on Saturday, March 1, 2025

Sign Up Here for Hope Builders

Bastrop: Re|engage Sunday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Re|engage image
Leader: Rhonda Leon  Contact Leader

Re|engage is discipleship-based enrichment for every marriage - the healthy, the struggling, and the broken. This ministry draws married couples to the church, giving them a safe place to move toward oneness through small groups, teaching, and stories of hope.

The goal of Re|engage is not primarily to save couples from divorce, or even to make healthier marriages. The goal of Re|engage is to fashion couples into better disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe as our hearts better align with God's plan and desire for our lives, all relationships (including our marriages) will improve. Through the felt need for better (or more tolerable) marriages, couples will come looking for help. Ultimately, what we offer them is Christ.

Begins Sunday, February 23, 2025

Time: 5:00 -7:00 pm

LifeFamily Bastrop

Childcare is available with pre-registration

Sign Up Here



Bastrop: The Holy Spirit of Fire Sunday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: The Holy Spirit of Fire image
Leader: Joan Boethel  Contact Leader

Learning to partner with the Holy Spirit adds a new and deeper dimension to our spiritual walk with the Lord.  Every believer who receives the Holy Spirit has the potential of moving with Him in His prophetic and healing gifts to those in need.  This class promises to draw you into a closer and more intimate walk with the Lord as you gain confidence in the Holy Spirit and His gifts!


We meet at LifeFamily Bastrop, 1096 HWY 71 West Bastrop, Texas on Sunday evenings from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Class begins on Sunday, February 16, 2025

Leader: Pastor Joan Boethel

Sign Up Here

Bastrop: The Secret Place Thursday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: The Secret Place image
Leader: Tiffany Kent  Contact Leader

This group is for those who desire to seek God and be in His presence.

Psalm 91:1 says, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." This verse describes the benefits of spending time in the secret place. When we dwell in this place, we are sheltered by God's protection, receive His provision, and experience His power. The goal of this group is to come together to seek the Lord by thanking and praising, praying, seeking, being still, and learning how to enter His rest. Simply being in His presence and knowing Him.

Going after Jesus, like the followers of Christ did in the upper room before Pentecost and listening to what He has for us personally and corporately as the bride of Christ.

Looking forward to being with you,

Tiffany Kent

Meets the last Thursday of the month from 6:00 - 8:00 pm at the church


Bastrop: Uplifting Worship & Prayer Tuesday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Uplifting Worship & Prayer image
Leader: Marsha Montey  Contact Leader

This group offers a time to unite together and lift up the name of Jesus in worship. We will pray and intercede as the Holy Spirit leads. It is our desire to seek God, to draw closer to Him with worship and prayer; that we would enter His presence giving our love and time to Him. We will linger as He leads us to a deeper walk with Him.

We meet the 1st Sunday and 3rd Tuesday of each month at our home.

1st Sunday- 1:00 -2:30 pm and 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:00 pm

On Sundays, we invite you to bring a dish to share for a potluck meal after church. Our first group gathering will be Sunday, March 2, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.

Sign Up Here

Bastrop: Veterans and First Responders Saturday Morning Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Veterans and First Responders image
Leader: Erik Bradley  Contact Leader


The purpose of this LifeGroup is to provide a safe, supportive, and faith-based community for veterans and first responders to heal, connect, and thrive.

Meets the 4th Saturday of every month at LifeFamily Bastrop

Time: 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.

Leader: Erik Bradley


LifeFamily Bastrop

1096 HWY 71 West

Bastrop, TX 78602


Sign Up Here



Group begins on Saturday, February 22, 2025
Bastrop: Walking by Faith Friday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Leader: Faith Matheson  Contact Leader

Are you looking for a group to build your faith, receive encouragement, and enjoy the love of Christ while having a fun time, this is the group for you! We will be studying the Gospel of John together.

We meet first and third Fridays at 6:00 pm at the Community Room at the Oak Grove Apartments, 1910 Wilson St, Bastrop, TX 78602



Leader: Faith Matheson
Bastrop: Wednesday Night Life: Becoming Like Christ Wednesday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop: Wednesday Night Life: Becoming Like Christ image
Leader: Andrew Fortner  Contact Leader

Join us for this Bible teaching and small group experience in which we will discover and learn how to practice the ways of Jesus. Whether new to church or a seasoned Christian, learn how to better create space for the Holy Spirit's formation of depth and love in you. This group is designed for men and women of all ages.


Wednesday Nights - February 19, 2025 - May 14, 2025

Time: 6:30 - 8:15 p.m.

Meets at LifeFamily Bastrop Fellowship Hall

Childcare (ages infant to 5th grade) is provided with pre-registration

Sign Up Here

Bastrop:The Arising Saturday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Bastrop:The Arising image
Leader: Jasmine Cienfuegos  Contact Leader

We are an inclusive collective (ages 18-45) who are the next generation in pursuit of growing together and arising up in this hour to answer the call of God to be his radical ones. We gather monthly to connect in different ways: fellowship, worship, guest speakers, going on adventures, food, games and so much more.

Meets the first Saturday of the month from 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Location:  LifeFamily Bastrop, 1096 HWY 71 West, Bastrop, Texas 78602



Becoming More Journaling Lifegroup Thursday Evening Leander - Leander
Becoming More Journaling Lifegroup image
Leader: Melissa Sanchez Morales  Contact Leader
The Becoming More Journaling Life Group is a transformative journey of healing, growth, and self-love. Over the next few months, we will explore journaling as a powerful tool to deepen our connection with God and embrace our true identity as His masterpieces. Through this experience, we'll learn to see ourselves through God's eyes—valued, loved, and uniquely created for a purpose. Dates: Feb 27th March 27th April 24th May 22nd Click here to register!!!
Biblical Citizenship Wednesday Evening At SW Church - Austin
Biblical Citizenship image
Leader: Michael Hamilton  Contact Leader
This course is informative, entertaining and is a fast paced video course! Being "salt & light" citizens requires a knowledge of Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us. Throughout our history, American pastors and churches have played a vital role in the establishment and preservation of religious and civil liberty. "Biblical Citizenship In Modern America" Workbook, (order from go to "shop" or "store". Not necessary but highly recommended! Wednesday's from 6:30-8 pm. Co-Ed. Southwest campus, room 112. 8 weeks with Kirk Cameron, David Barton, and Rick Green on video. For more information or to register, email Michael and Janice Hamilton ( or text or call 512-944-2581. Come join us!! Please feel free to join this group by clicking the following link:
Cedar Park / Leander LifeGroup Monday Evening Leander - Leander
Cedar Park / Leander LifeGroup image
Leader: Toni Laymon  Contact Leader
Host: Doug and Toni Laymon When: Mondays at 6:30pm This group is for adults of all ages. Bible study/discussion, a time for prayer requests/praises, and dinner.

Click here to register!!!
Celebrate Recovery Tuesday Evening At SW Church - Austin
Celebrate Recovery image
Leader: Scott Sherrill  Contact Leader


Are you struggling with feelings of shame, guilt, or blame? There is healing and freedom for you in God. Learn about redeeming and restoring love through Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery is a confidential, safe gathering where you can learn about how your life can be healed by God's power, as you talk and process and grow with others who are also on the same journey. We will meet in Patten Theater at the SW Campus of LifeAustin, Tuesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

Children are welcome.

Quesitons? Email

For more information on Celebrate Recovery visit

Register Here:   Celebrate Recovery Registration

Celebrate Recovery Monday Evening Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Celebrate Recovery image
Leader: David Murray  Contact Leader

Location: Life Marble Falls

Meets every Monday at 6:30 pm

Register for this group here: Celebrate Recovery
Co-Ed Book Study Thursday Evening Ancient Oaks - Marble Falls
Co-Ed Book Study image
Leader: Tom Brown  Contact Leader
This LifeGroup is for everyone. Join us as we study "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idelman together. We meet at 6:45 pm every other Thursday. Children are welcome but there is no childcare. This group is led by Tom and Glee Brown. Register Here: Brown, Glee & Tom's LifeGroup Registration
Co-Ed Young Adult Group - Austin
Leader: Will Hammond  Contact Leader
If you are interested in joining this group, please complete the following form:
Dinner For 8 Varies - Austin
Leader: Teresa Coyner  Contact Leader
If you are interested in joining this group, please complete the following form:
DivorceCare Thursday Evening Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Leader: John Renfroe  Contact Leader
DivorceCare's life-changing support groups welcome people and guide them on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. Thursday at 6 PM beginning March 6th. Register Here: DivorceCare
Downtown: Bible Times Monday Evening Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Bible Times image
Leader: Sundeep David  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is intended for anyone who wants to deep dive into the Old Testament.

This group will meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00pm.

Please Register Here: DT Bible Times LifeGroup Registration

Downtown: Co Ed Apologetics Book Study Wednesday Evening Mueller - Downtown
Downtown: Co Ed Apologetics Book Study image
Leader: Rachel Garcia  Contact Leader

Study: The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

This study will help you learn how to dialogue with those who share common doubts and objections to Christianity.

Click Here to Purchase Your Book

This group will meet at 7:00pm every other Wednesday at LifeFamily Mueller.

Please Register Here: DT Co Ed Apologetics Book Study Registration

Downtown: Disc Golf Disciples Saturday Morning Varies - Downtown
Downtown: Disc Golf Disciples image
Leader: Adam Luke  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for anyone who is interested in playing disc golf! Beginners and experienced players are welcome. During the first outing, new players will be provided with a *FREE* disc golf starter kit, and the team lead will teach disc golf fundamentals. Each week we will play a round of doubles, pairing new players with experienced players.

The location will rotate between courses. The goal is to meet every Saturday from 11am-1pm, depending on weather. The group concludes with a Doubles tournament.

Please Register Here: DT Disc Golf Disciples LifeGroup Registration

Downtown: Families and Married Couples Social Friday Evening Varies - Downtown
Downtown: Families and Married Couples Social image
Leader: Jill Welborn  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for families with young children and married couples who are looking to build a supportive community together. We will have meaningful conversations over a shared meal while our kids will play in the backyard

The group will meet once a month on the following Fridays - Feb 28, Mar 14, Apr 11, May 23 at 7:00pm.

Please Register Here: DT Families and Married Couples SocialRegistration

Downtown: Golf Guys Saturday Morning Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Golf Guys image
Leader: Matt Rosno  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for men who like to play golf. It meets on Saturdays once a month at various courses around Austin.

Please Register Here: DT Golf Guys LifeGroup Registration Form

Downtown: Heart & Soul Band Jam Tuesday Evening South Austin - Downtown
Downtown: Heart & Soul Band Jam image
Leader: Seth Barnett  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for those who love worship in the context of community through music.

The group will be going over the songs for Heart & Soul, as well as other worship songs, once a month at 6:30pm on Tuesday the week of Heart & Soul.

Please Register Here: DT Heart & Soul Band Jam LifeGroup Registration

Downtown: Lost & Found Homeless Outreach Monday Evening Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Lost & Found Homeless Outreach image
Leader: Derek Welborn  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for anyone who wants to come together and serve our homeless community once a month.

The group will meet on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00pm in the Cava parking lot on Guadalupe St. The group will prepare and serve food and pray over the homeless in our city.

Please Register Here: DT Lost & Found Homeless Outreach Registration

Downtown: Lunch Group Sunday Afternoon Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Lunch Group image
Leader: Joselyn Santiago  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for anyone who loves to connect with people over food. The group will go to lunch following the 11:30am Downtown service on the 3rd Sunday of every month.

Please Register Here: DT The Downtown Lunch Group Registration

Downtown: Men's LifeGroup Thursday Evening Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Men's LifeGroup image
Leader: Michael Leen  Contact Leader

Focus: How to be better apprentices of Jesus, with a special emphasis on understanding the character of God.

This LifeGroup meets on Thursdays from 7:00pm-9:30pm and is for men who desire to get better in all aspects of their life.

Please Register Here: DT Men's LifeGroup Registration

Downtown: Movie Nights at The Ashton Monday Evening Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Movie Nights at The Ashton image
Leader: Rob Daline  Contact Leader
This group is for those who want to have confidence backed by archeological evidence that the Bible is true.

This group will meet at 7:00pm every 4th Monday.

Please Register Here: DT Movie Nights at The Ashton Registration

Downtown: Raising Boys & Girls Wednesday Morning Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Raising Boys & Girls image
Leader: Shelbie North  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for moms and dads with young kids who are looking to navigate parenting in today's world. The group will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 11:00am.

Please Register Here: DT Raising Boys & Girls LifeGroup Registration

Downtown: Re|Engage Sunday Evening At SW Church - Downtown
Downtown: Re|Engage image
Leader: Jill Welborn  Contact Leader
Re|engage is discipleship-based enrichment for every marriage - the healthy, the struggling, and the broken. This ministry draws married couples to the church, giving them a safe place to move toward oneness through small groups, teaching, and stories of hope.

This group will meet every Sunday for 14 weeks at 6:00pm.

Please Register Here DT Re|Engage LifeGroup Registration

Downtown: Run Club Thursday Morning Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Run Club image
Leader: Derek Welborn  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for those looking to stay active, meet new people, and enjoy some fresh air while getting in a good workout.

The group will the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7:00am at Town Lake and run at a comfortable pace for all levels.

Please Register Here: DT Run Club LifeGroup Registration

Downtown: Spirit Encounters in Everyday Life Thursday Evening Varies - Downtown
Downtown: Spirit Encounters in Everyday Life image
Leader: Julie Hitchins  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is dedicated to sharing and celebrating stories of God's faithfulness through personal testimonies. Join us to inspire and uplift each other by recounting the ways God has worked in our lives.

This group will meet once a month on Thursday at 6:00pm. Please Register Here: DT Spirit Encounters in Everyday Life Registration

Downtown: Young Adults Bible Study Thursday Evening Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Young Adults Bible Study image
Leader: Michael Wood  Contact Leader
This group is for young adults/college students, ages 18-24.

This group will meet the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7:00pm.

Please Register Here: DT Young Adults Bible Study Registration

Downtown: Young Married/Engaged Couples Thursday Evening Downtown / UT - Downtown
Downtown: Young Married/Engaged Couples image
Leader: Jordan Kuipers  Contact Leader
This LifeGroup is for married or engaged couples, without kids, in their 20's and 30's from the Downtown campus.

The group will meet in the Westlake area every other Thursday at 7:00pm.

Please Register Here: DT Young Couples LifeGroup Registration

Dripping Spring - High School Girls Bible + Fun Thursday Evening Belterra / Highpoint - Dripping Springs
Leader: Olivia Gajewski  Contact Leader
This Lifegroup is designed for High School girls who desire to build community with scripture and laughs. Formatted to have a small bible study and game. Sign Up:High School Girls Bible + Fun
Dripping Springs - 65+ LifeGroup Wednesday Evening Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs - 65+ LifeGroup image
Leader: Richard Harmon  Contact Leader
This group is oriented for 65+ fellowships. Meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday @ 6:00 PM at the home of Richard and Mary Harmon. We will be studying "Dream to Destiny: Passing the Pride Test". Register here: Life Dripping Springs 65+
Dripping Springs - Archery LifeGroup (18+) Sunday Evening Buda - Dripping Springs
Leader: Joshua Carpenter ll  Contact Leader
A LifeGroup for those who enjoy archery and want to grow in faith! Meet weekly on Sundays from 4-5 PM to connect and study the book of Romans.
Dripping Springs - Breathe New Life Into Marriage Monday Evening Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Joan Daniels  Contact Leader
Through Bible-based teaching, this LifeGroup is all about growing closer, showing your spouse love in the way they've always needed, and taking your relationship to new heights. Whether your connection is already strong or you're looking to rekindle and deepen your bond, this group is for you! Meets Every Other Monday ⏰ 6:30 - 8:30 PM 408 Riva Ridge Pl, Austin, TX 78737
Dripping Springs - Community Group : 11th Girls Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Peyton Dillon  Contact Leader
A LifeGroup for 11th-grade girls to grow in faith, build community, and deepen their understanding of Scripture while growing in wisdom and stature. Sign Up Here:
Dripping Springs - Community Group: 11th & 12th Guys Friday Evening Driftwood - Dripping Springs
Leader: Noah Crawford  Contact Leader
A LifeGroup for high school guys to grow in faith, wisdom, and community. This Bible study meets every Friday evening at the church property. Sign Up - LifeStudents Group: 11th & 12th Guys
Dripping Springs - Community Group: 9th & 10th Girls Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Nikki Kelton  Contact Leader
A LifeGroup designed for 9th & 10th grade girls to deepen their relationship to God and others as they study the word and grow in knowledge & in favor. Sign Up- LifeStudents Group: 9th & 10th Girls
Dripping Springs - Community Groups : 9th & 10th Guys Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Cameron Staff  Contact Leader
A LifeGroup designed for 9th & 10th grade guys to deepen their relationship to God and others as they study the word and grow in knowledge & in favor. Sign Up- LifeStudents Group: 9th & 10th Grade Guys
Dripping Springs - Community Groups : Middle School Guys Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Jake Stockton  Contact Leader
A LifeGroup designed for Middle School guys to deepen their relationship to God and others as they study the word and grow in knowledge & in favor. Sign Up:LifeStudents: Middle School Guys
Dripping Springs - Community Groups: Middle School Girls Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Isabelle Evans  Contact Leader
A LifeGroup designed for Middle School girls to deepen their relationship to God and others as they study the word and grow in knowledge & in favor. Sign UP:LifeStudents Group: Middle School Girls
Dripping Springs - Infertility Support Thursday Evening Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs - Infertility Support image
Leader: Bethany Moore  Contact Leader
Support for Women who are desiring support for infertility, miscarriage, and adoption challenges. This LifeGroup meets at the Church House (10651 Darden Hill Rd. Austin, TX. 78737, and starts on Thursday, September 19th.
Dripping Springs - LifeKids LifeGroup Wednesday Evening Driftwood - Dripping Springs
Leader: Katie Novickas  Contact Leader
LifeKids LifeGroup is for K-3rd Grade every first and third Wednesday of the month. Sign Up:LifeKids LifeGroup Winter/Spring 2025
Dripping Springs - LifeMen Putting Into Practice Friday Morning Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs - LifeMen Putting Into Practice image
Leader: Marc Rodriguez  Contact Leader
A Life Men's group that meets Friday mornings, go over and reflect on the weekly sermon in brotherhood and faith. SignUp:Putting Into Practice Mens Group
DRIPPING SPRINGS - LIFESTUDENTS Service Small Groups Sunday Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Noah Crawford  Contact Leader
A small group designed to deepen your relationship with God. We gather together after each message during Student service to share what we learned and how we grow.
Dripping Springs - LifeWomen: John Bible Study Thursday Afternoon Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs - LifeWomen: John Bible Study image
Leader: Bobbie Herzog  Contact Leader
Led by Bobbie Herzog This bible study is designed to be in conjunction with The Chosen, a streaming television series about the life of Jesus, by Dallas Jenkins. In preparation for the release of Season 5 coming in the fall, we will be studying the book of John for this fall season. Meeting Details: Season four will be offered beginning Thursday, March, 2025 from 12:15-2:30 pm. Location: 8509 Lewis Mountain Drive, Austin Texas, 78737 (Entrance is at the end of the cul-de-sac on Lewis Mountain Drive. Gate code will be given out after registration, via group text). Sign Up:Life DS: LifeWomen John Bible Study Leader: Bobbie Herzog, 512-731-3452,
Dripping Springs - Lucas LifeGroup Varies Evening Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs - Lucas LifeGroup image
Leader: Greg Lucas  Contact Leader
This is a LifeGroup of married couples that have preteens or teenagers. We are currently going through a study for married couples. Sign Up:Lucas Lifegroup
Dripping Springs - Men's Tuesday AM Tuesday Morning Driftwood - Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs - Men's Tuesday AM image
Leader: Kyle Sorensen  Contact Leader
We will have breakfast tacos, Summer Moon coffee, and Christian brotherhood. Come join us on Tuesday mornings and see what God is doing in LifeMen! Sign Up:LifeMen Tuesday Mornings
Dripping Springs - Parents Discipleship Wednesday Evening Driftwood - Dripping Springs
Leader: Katie Novickas  Contact Leader
A group designed to disciple parents and children together in the walk of life. Please connect with leader for more info.
Dripping Springs - Re|Engage Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Diana Burleson  Contact Leader
A Lifegroup designed to bring couples together to learn about God's design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship. Sign Up:Dripping Springs - Re | Engage
Dripping Springs - Rise Midweek Wednesday Evening Driftwood - Dripping Springs
Leader: Katie Novickas  Contact Leader
RISE MDWK is a LifeGroup for 4th and 5th Graders that meet every SECOND and FOURTH Wednesday from 5-7PM. Sign Up:2025 Winter/Spring RISE MDWK
Dripping Springs - Widow Lifegroup Varies - Dripping Springs
Leader: Marlene Nichols  Contact Leader
A LifeGroup designed to bring community and support to those who have lost a spouse. Open to individuals of all ages who have experienced this loss.
Dripping Springs - Young Families Lifegroup Saturday Evening Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Heidi Hubbeling  Contact Leader
A lifegroup designed for young families who desire to grow in community. Kids are welcomed as it is designed for them to see parents role model having community. Sign Up: Young family Lifegroup
Dripping Springs LifeWomen Morning Bible Study Tuesday Morning Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs LifeWomen Morning Bible Study image
Leader: Connie Hagen  Contact Leader
When life becomes so busy and overwhelming, it is easy to become burdened with worry and anxiety. You feel as though your approval and worth are tied up in what you do rather than in who you are. Through the eyes of Ruth Chou Simmons—a Taiwanese immigrant who grew up between two cultures and was always on a mission to prove her worth, you will come to understand how to receive and live in God's Grace. In this book study, you will be on a journey to finding value and worth in who you are, not in what you do. You can order the book for this study here: Sign Up:LifeWomen Bible Study Location: 10651 Darden Hill Rd., Austin, TX 78737 (Life Dripping Springs Church Property) Leader: Connie Hagen (512) 797-4412
Dripping Springs- Contreras LifeGroup Evening Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs- Contreras LifeGroup image
Leader: Josh Contreras  Contact Leader
Married Couples with school aged kids.
Dripping Springs- Mens Monthly Lunch Meetup Wednesday Morning Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Dripping Springs- Mens Monthly Lunch Meetup image
Leader: Jeff Pegalis  Contact Leader
Christian men who are retired, work from home or are otherwise available for mid day fellowship in Christ. Gathering at restaurants in and near the Dripping Springs Community on every FIRST Wednesday of every month at 11:00am. Sign Up:Mens Monthly Lunch Meet Up
Dripping Springs- Walking Together Monday Morning Belterra / Highpoint - Dripping Springs
Leader: Samantha Daniels  Contact Leader
A Lifegroup designed for women to have a hobby of walking (or want to create one) and walk to grow in relationship with each other and Christ. Sign Up - Walking Together Group starts at 8:30AM and will last around an hour and twenty- five minutes.
Dripping Springs- Whitachre LifeGroup - Dripping Springs
Leader: Jeffrey Whitacre  Contact Leader
A Lifegroup designed for couples with small children to gather and grow in community with eachother and grow in relationship with God. Sign Up:Whitachre LifeGroup
Empty Nesters Dripping Springs Saturday Evening Dripping Springs - Austin
Empty Nesters Dripping Springs image
Leader: Mike Serwon  Contact Leader
REGISTER HERE: Empty Nesters LifeGroup Dripping Springs This LifeGroup is for empty nesters. We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Join us as we go through The Chosen, Season 3 study guide.
Following Jesus: Equip Group Sunday Morning Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Boone Packer  Contact Leader
Participants in the group, "Following Jesus" led by Boone Packer. Sunday mornings at 11:00 at Cypress.
Georgetown / Leander LifeGroup Tuesday Evening Georgetown - Leander
Georgetown / Leander LifeGroup image
Leader: Stephanie Hardy  Contact Leader

Host: Daniel & Stephanie Hardy

When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm (Bi-weekly)

This group is for adults of all ages.

Bible study/discussion, a time for prayer requests and praises

Click here to register!!!
Girly Pops Book Club Monday Evening Varies - Austin
Girly Pops Book Club image
Leader: Kayla Kibodeaux  Contact Leader
If you are interested in joining this group, please register below: Register Here. .
God of Hope Prison Ministry Varies Varies - Austin
God of Hope Prison Ministry image
Leader: Patty Horne  Contact Leader

Texas has one of the largest prison populations in the nation, with over 150,000 men and women incarcerated in the state prison system. Our mission at The God of Hope Ministry is to glorify God by sharing His love and truth that brings hope and freedom to those in prison. Lives are changed, disciples are born and the recidivism rate for our graduates fall far below that of the general released population.

For more information on this ministry please email Patty Horne 

GriefShare - SouthWest Tuesday Evening South Austin - Austin
GriefShare - SouthWest image
Leader: Richard Allen  Contact Leader

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences. GriefShare is for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. We understand that there are other losses in life that create feelings of grief. You might be experiencing a job loss, a divorce, estrangement from a child, or the loss of friends because of a move. This grief is real, but it is not the kind of grief discussed in GriefShare sessions.
This is an ongoing study which you can join at any time.

Register Here: GriefShare Registration Form

Grupo VidaFamilia: Buscando al Señor Wednesday Evening At SW Church - Austin
Grupo VidaFamilia: Buscando al Señor image
Leader: Stephanie Castro  Contact Leader
La intención de este grupo es poder hacer familia y poder estar unos con otros. Todos son bienvenidos a este grupo. Es un espacio ameno para crecer en el conocimiento de Jesús. Nos reunimos el 2do y 4to miércoles de cada mes de las 6:30pm a las 8pm. Cuidado de niños está disponible. Nos reunimos con Stephanie Castro-Garcia como nos guía a través del libro: Cuando Oras. Es un estudio de seis oraciones de la Biblia. Puedes encontrar tu libro aquí:
Hispano Grupo Wednesday Evening Mueller - Mueller
Hispano Grupo image
Leader: Ana Melissa Ramirez  Contact Leader
Comunidad Bilingüe (Bilingual Community) El grupo es una comunidad de habla hispana donde podemos crecer juntos espiritualmente al conocer la palabra de Dios.

The group is a Spanish-speaking community where we can grow together spiritually by knowing the word of God.

WHO:all ages

WHEN:biweekly Thursday at 6:30pm

WHERE: LifeFamily Mueller | Atrium

LEADERS: Roberto Cedeno and Ana Melissa Ramirez

Sign up: Hispano Grupo

Hungry Hikers Saturday Morning Varies - Mueller
Leader: Jennifer Miller  Contact Leader
We are a group that loves to hike! We will spend some fellowship time together after each hike with either a picnic or a meal at a nearby restaurant. Some hikes will be local within Austin, and some may be farther out, but we will plan on about a half day outing, so we have more time to see some beautiful wilderness and then eat and have time to get to know one another, pray for each other and to be in community together.

WHO: Co-Ed all ages

WHEN: weekly Saturday mornings 

WHERE: Various parks and hiking trails in Central Texas.

LEADERS: Jennifer Miller and Amy Silver

Sign Up:Hungry Hikers

Kings and Kingdoms Bible Study LifeGroup Sunday Afternoon Leander - Leander
Kings and Kingdoms Bible Study LifeGroup image
Leader: Murphy Seifert  Contact Leader
Join us for "Kings and Kingdoms", a Bible study on the book of Daniel. Explore ancient history with powerful lessons for today, revealing God's sovereign plan and the good news for all. Discover faith, courage, and hope through Daniel's prophetic visions in this enriching study!
Leander LifeGroup (Young Families) Thursday Evening Leander - Leander
Leander LifeGroup (Young Families) image
Leader: Stratton Brown  Contact Leader

Host: Stratton & Caroline Brown

When: Thursdays at 6-7:30pm

Young Families LifeGroup (Children Welcome)

Bible study/discussion, a time for prayer requests and praises

Register: Leander LifeGroups (Spring 2024)

Leander LifeStudents: High School LifeGroup Sunday Evening Leander - Leander
Leander LifeStudents: High School LifeGroup image
Leader: Joshua Benjamin  Contact Leader

Host: Joshua and Sarah Benjamin

LifeGroups meet during our Student Service (LIFT)

When: Sundays at 5pm (ongoing)

Food, fun, worship and a relevant message!  

Leander LifeWise LifeGroup (50+) - Book Discussion - Leander
Leander LifeWise LifeGroup (50+) - Book Discussion image
Leader: Mark Leaverton  Contact Leader
Host: Mark & Vicki Leaverton
When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm
This group is for adults 50+.
Join a community of believers who are ready to grow and thrive with you! We meet every Tuesday to connect, eat, pray, and grow in our faith through fun, praise and fellowship.
Register Here: Leander LifeGroups (Spring 2024)
Leander LifeWise LifeGroup (50+) - Sermon Discussion - Leander
Leander LifeWise LifeGroup (50+) - Sermon Discussion image
Leader: Curtis Acheson  Contact Leader
Host: Curtis & Torri Acheson
When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm
This group is for adults 50+.
Join a community of believers who are ready to grow and thrive with you! We meet every Tuesday to connect, eat, pray, and grow in our faith through fun, praise and fellowship.
Register Here: Leander LifeGroups (Spring 2024)
Leander Sports Fellowship LifeGroup Thursday Leander - Leander
Leander Sports Fellowship LifeGroup image
Leader: Lio DeJesus  Contact Leader
Do you love sports and want to connect with other Christians who share your passion? Then join our Sports Fellowship LifeGroup! We will register for a Softball League, and connect for other fun activities like bowling, golf, basketball and more. This is a great way to stay fit, have fun, and grow in your faith with a friendly and supportive team!

Click here to register!!!

Leander Young Professionals - Leander
Leander Young Professionals image
Leader: Yazmeli Fulk  Contact Leader
Are you a young adult who wants to grow in your faith and connect with other professionals? If so, join our LifeGroup for Professional Young Adults! Don't miss this opportunity to join a community of like-minded believers who are ready to grow and thrive with you! We meet every week to connect, eat, pray, and grow in our faith through fun and fellowship.
Click here to register!!!
Leander Youth 6-12th Grade Wednesday Evening Leander - Leander
Leander Youth 6-12th Grade image
Leader: Austin Boone  Contact Leader
This group provides a inviting and Safe space for youth to grow through age relevant conversations, bible exploration, discipleship, and good times! Target audience is 6th - 12th grade.

Click here to register!!!
Let's Explore Austin Saturday Morning - Mueller
Leader: Linda Burns  Contact Leader
Let's get together to explore locales that make Austin unique: Art Galleries, Historic Sites, Museums, Nature and Wildlife areas, Caves and Caverns.

WHO: CoEd 55 and Up

WHEN: monthly Saturdays at 10:00am to 2:00pm

WHERE: varies

LEADERS: Linda Burns and Candice Varely

Sign up:Let's Explore Austin

Life In Motion: Running, HIking, Biking Varies Varies - Austin
Life In Motion: Running, HIking, Biking image
Leader: Thomas OConnor  Contact Leader
Life in Motion is a Christ-centered lifegroup at our church, dedicated to building community and honoring God through physcial fitness and fellowship. Grounded in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, we view our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit and seek to glorify God by staying active and healthy. Through activities like running, biking, hiking, walking, and other fitness pursuits, we provide a welcoming space for people of all fitness levels to grow stronger physically and spirtually. Interested in joining? Please register below:
Life Women: "Moms in Prayer" Sunday Evening Leander - Leander
Life Women: "Moms in Prayer" image
Leader: Marie Ring  Contact Leader
Join us for "Moms in Prayer," a monthly LifeGroup where we gather to pray, encourage, and connect with each other. We meet on Sunday nights from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the church lobby area. No matter what age or stage your children are in, you are welcome to join us as we lift them up to God in prayer. Come and experience the peace and power of praying with other moms who love God and their kids. " (No Childcare available)

Register Here: LifeWomen Leander: "Moms in Prayer"
LifeFamily Austin Pickleball Group Sunday Afternoon At SW Church - Austin
Leader: Kyle Robertson  Contact Leader
Hello Pickleball Enthusiasts! I am so excited to welcome you to the LifeFamily Pickleball group! We are going to have so much fun! My goal for this group is to provide a fun, recreational opportunity for everyone to come and play the great game of Pickleball and build friendships on and off the court. Who: Anyone with any skill level is welcome to come. Beginner to advanced players. All are welcome! When: We meet on Sundays from 4:00-6:00, weather permitting. It's very casual, so just show up any Sunday ready to play! Where: Meet at the pickleball courts on the LifeFamily campus 8901 W. Hwy 71 What to Bring: paddle, ball, water bottle, chair. If you do not have a paddle yet, we will have a couple of extras you can borrow. Format: There are 2 courts, so if we have more than 8 players, we will stack our paddles and rotate players. Games will be played to 11, win by 2 points. Depending on how many people show up, we will either rotate out all 4 players at the end of the game or the winners will stay on the court and split with 2 new players joining the game. The 2nd place team will rotate off and stack their paddles for the next game. *there are no bathrooms available, so take care of business before you come! I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!! Register Here: Pickle Ball LifeFamily Austin
LifeFamily: Pickleball Saturday Morning At SW Church - Downtown
LifeFamily: Pickleball image
Leader: Alvaro Iragorri  Contact Leader

This LifeGroup is for anyone who enjoys pickleball! Men and women of all ages and skill levels welcome! The group meets every Saturday 10:00am at the LifeFamily Austin Pickleball court.

This group is a fun way to kick off the weekend, and an opportunity to invite friends who are not believers and might be intimidated by a church service but would be open to a bit of friendly competition. Extra paddles are available for people who don't have them, but once you try pickleball, you'll want to buy your own!

Please Register Here: LifeFamily Pickleball LifeGroup Registration

LifeLine Varies Varies - Austin
LifeLine image
Leader: Kevin Richardson  Contact Leader

LifeLine is a Biblically-based support group for parents of loved ones who are experiencing same sex attraction, identify themselves as gay or bisexual, or are dealing with gender identity issues. LifeLine is open to all parents in the Austin area, regardless of church affiliation. 


  • Exists to be a caring, burden-bearing community where parents can openly share their stories and struggles in a safe and confidential environment.  
  • Encourages parents to have an authentic, on-going, and loving relationship with their child, utilizing as the foundation of that relationship, grace and truth. 
  • Aims to help parents experience a life of peace and joy as they navigate this difficult journey of living in the tension of conviction and compassion. 
  • Inspires parents to pray that God will fully engage the heart of their child, as well as their own hearts, because each person's walk with Christ is of the utmost importance.


LifeLine meets LifeLine meets at various times. You can send us a confidential email to LifeLine@Life.Family for specific dates and additional information. You are not alone, and you can't do this alone. Please, step out of the shadows. We are here for you. Email us now!


You can also visit us online at

LifeMen Bastrop: Early Morning Prayer Varies Morning Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeMen Bastrop: Early Morning Prayer image
Leader: Bob Loucks  Contact Leader

Join us weekdays (Monday - Friday) from 6:00 to 7:00 am for a time of prayer, coffee and fellowship.

We meet at the church.

Leader: Bob Loucks


Feel free to come on the days that you are free.
LifeMen Bastrop: Men's Prayer Breakfast Saturday Morning Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeMen Bastrop: Men's Prayer Breakfast image
Leader: Sean Keahey  Contact Leader
LifeMen Bastrop Prayer Breakfast
When: First Saturday of each month
Time: 7:30 -9:00a.m.
Where: Fellowship Hall at LifeFamily Bastrop

Register Here: LifeMen: Prayer Breakfast

Leaders: Sean Keahey, John Young and Mike Busche
LifeMen Bastrop: Pickleball Sunday Afternoon Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeMen Bastrop: Pickleball image
Leader: Rick Rivera  Contact Leader

Are you a man ages 18+ looking for a great way to fellowship, exercise and receive prayer all in one? Join us for Pickleball.

We meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Location: Lost Pines Pickleball 

1099 HWY 71 West

Bastrop, Texas 78602

Cost: $7.00/person

*Begins on Sunday, February 23, 2025

Save Your Spot Here

LifeMen Bible Study Monday Evening - Mueller
LifeMen Bible Study image
Leader: Zeke Edwards  Contact Leader
This will be a space for the men of LifeFamily Mueller to join in fellowship and prayer as we analyze scripture. Topics covered will include accountability, humility, leadership, and relationships.

WHO: Men of all ages

WHEN: weekly Mondays at 6:30pm

WHERE: LifeFamily Mueller

LEADERS: Zeke Edwards, Dan Silver, and Ronn Davilla

Sign up: LifeMen: Bible Study

LifeMen Breakfast Devotional Wednesday Morning Mueller - Mueller
LifeMen Breakfast Devotional image
Leader: Kenneth Hester  Contact Leader
Group to help you get through the week with the Lord and other men in our community. WHO: Men of all ages

WHEN: weekly Wednesday at 6:30AM

WHERE: Merit Coffee Co. on North Lamar

LEADER: Ken Hester

Signup: LifeMen Breakfast Devotional

LifeMen: Fellowship & Outreach LifeGroup Varies Leander - Leander
LifeMen: Fellowship & Outreach LifeGroup image
Leader: Austin Boone  Contact Leader
Are you looking for a fun opportunity to connect with other believers, grow in your faith, break bread, and build relationships? If so, you might be interested in joining our LifeMen: Fellowship & Outreach LifeGroup, which meets throughout the month for fun, brunch and more. This group is open to anyone who wants to experience fellowship, prayer, worship, prayer walks, discussion, and more. Whether you are new to the church, a long-time member, or just curious about Christianity, you are welcome to join us. Click here to register!!!
LifeMoms Tuesday Evening Mueller - Mueller
LifeMoms image
Leader: Kendra Montejos Edwards  Contact Leader
This is a come-as-you-are LifeGroup. Bring your kid(s) or not. As moms, we need to walk alongside each other, and in this group, we will build community and take a deeper look at books of the Bible while the kids play. We will meet mainly at a park, house, museum, and other locations.

WHEN: Tuesdays at 7pm (weekly) and 1 Saturday per month WHERE: Mueller area WHO: Moms and children

LEADERS: Kendra Edwards, Paola Huddleston, and Ali Ruth

Signup: Mueller - LifeMoms

LifeMoms Bastrop Thursday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
Leader: Allie Fleming  Contact Leader

This group is designed for young moms, age 20-40.  We meet once a month for dinner and fellowship on Main Street!  We meet the last Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Can't wait to meet you!

Allie & Stephanie

Sign Up for LifeMoms


LifeStudents Bastrop Wednesday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeStudents Bastrop image
Leader: Ryan Fairchild  Contact Leader

Middle school and high school students (6th-12th grade) gather for weekly worship experiences designed just for them. They are able to build friendships with other students in environments that help faith come alive and spiritual growth happen. Your student can find transformation through a relationship with Jesus Christ and we're here as a team ready to help guide them in that process.

Join us every Wednesday night from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. for our midweek service in the youth room.

LifeStudents Connection Card

LifeStudents Bastrop Worship Nights Friday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeStudents Bastrop Worship Nights image
Leader: Shannon Barry  Contact Leader

This group is designed for teens ages 12-18  to spend time in worship together.

We meet the 4th Friday of the month from 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the youth room at LifeFamily Bastrop, 1096 HWY 71 West, Bastrop, Texas 78602

Shannon & Abby

Sign Up Here

LifeStudents Bastrop: Sisters in Christ Saturday Afternoon Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeStudents Bastrop: Sisters in Christ image
Leader: Shannon Barry  Contact Leader

This group is designed for teen girls ages 12-18 to fellowship and grow in Christ.
We meet the third Saturday of the month from 4:30 - 6:30pm in the youth room at LifeFamily Bastrop, 1096 HWY 71 West, Bastrop, Texas 78602.

We can't wait to meet you!

Sign Up Here

LifeStudents Mueller Wednesday Evening Mueller - Mueller
LifeStudents Mueller image
Leader: Jon Burks  Contact Leader
LifeStudents Midweek! If you're in 6th through 12th grade, come hang out with us! If you plan to join us, look for the LifeStudents flags towards the back of the building.

This group meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm at LifeFamily Mueller.

Invite a friend to join you or come make a new one! Register for this group here: LifeGroup - 6th-12th Grade
LifeStudents: Midweek Wednesday Evening Marble Falls - Marble Falls
LifeStudents: Midweek image
Leader: Andy Sellmann  Contact Leader
6th-12th graders!! Join us on at Midweek on Wednesday's from 6-8pm. We will eat together, worship, hear an amazing talk, and spend time in small groups together. You can just show up, but we'd love your contact info to keep you in the loop! You can do that HERE: LifeStudents: Midweek
LifeWise Varies Varies - Austin
LifeWise image
Leader: Connie Grygier  Contact Leader
This group is composed of 60+ seniors who have a zest for life and ministry. We gather for travel, dinners, and service opportunities. Check our calendar out for our next gathering.
LifeWomen : Thursday Evening Group Thursday Evening At SW Church - Austin
LifeWomen : Thursday Evening Group image
Leader: Stephanie Castro  Contact Leader

This group is for women of all ages and stages wanting to connect and dig into the Bible together.

Join Stephanie Castro as she leads us through Discerning The Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer.

Study guides will be provided for this study.

Register Here: LifeWomen Thursday Evening Group 

LifeWomen Austin: Friday Coffee Hour Friday Morning - Austin
LifeWomen Austin: Friday Coffee Hour image
Leader: Kimberly Grayston  Contact Leader
Meeting Friday mornings 8:00- 9:00am at various coffee shops in Southwest Austin and South Austin. Register Here. .
LifeWomen Bastrop- Coffee and Connection Saturday Morning Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeWomen Bastrop- Coffee and Connection image
Leader: Maureen Stanek  Contact Leader

People struggle with loneliness and isolation now more than ever. I want to create a space for women to have deeper conversations. We were made to be known and to be seen. I invite you to join me and special guests throughout the year. We'll drink coffee (or tea) and talk. We'll encourage one another in our God given dreams and destinies. We'll hear stories of what the Lord is doing in the lives of ordinary women who are longing to know Jesus better. We'll cheer each other on. I can't wait to sit at the table next to you.

When?    We meet various Saturdays throughout the year

Time? 10:00 am - Noon

Where? LifeFamily Bastrop Fellowship Hall, 1096 Hwy 71 West Bastrop, Texas 78602

Leader: Pastor Maureen Stanek

Click Here to Register

Children's ministry is not available for this group. Please make arrangements for your children.

LifeWomen Bastrop: Ladies' Night Out Friday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeWomen Bastrop: Ladies' Night Out image
Leader: Suzanne Sneed  Contact Leader

Need a break from the week with some friends? Then come be a part of Ladies' Night Out! Ladies of all ages are invited to join us for a night out at local restaurants. We will eat, chat, laugh, and form new friendships.

Our group meets the last Friday of the month at 6:00 pm. 


February 28 - Roadhouse

March 28 - Casa Chapala

April 25 - Bassano's

May 30 - TBA

We look forward to meeting you!

Sign Up Here

LifeWomen Bastrop: Wednesday Morning Walks Wednesday Morning Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeWomen Bastrop: Wednesday Morning Walks image
Leader: Maureen Stanek  Contact Leader

Are you ready to make some time for yourself? We'll walk together along the Colorado River sometimes talking, other times being still and listening.

We meet weekly on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am at the Bastrop Public Library parking lot (1100 Church St, Bastrop, TX 78602).

Wednesdays - 8:00 to 9:00 am

Begins March 5, 2025


Leaders: Maureen, Debbie and Rebecca
LifeWomen Bastrop: Working Women Bible Warriors Monday Evening Bastrop & Cedar Creek - Bastrop
LifeWomen Bastrop: Working Women Bible Warriors image
Leader: Marisol Keahey  Contact Leader


Imagine a place where busy women like you can find an evening of peace and support. That's the heart of this group! We're creating a space where you can connect with other women, delve deeper into your faith through Bible study, and grow together. It's a chance to recharge, share your joys and challenges, and find encouragement on your journey.

We meet every other Monday beginning February 17th, in the evenings at 6:30pm.Sign Up Here

This season we will be studying from a book called 20/20 Seen. Chosen. Sent. by Christine Caine. It is a 7-week study. We will watch the videos to go along with the book. Christine Caine will capture your heart and encourage you to walk in your freedom! 

The following link is to purchase your book: Order Book Here

Leaders: April Mamoe & Marisol Kaehey
LifeWomen Book Study: Courage in Faith Sunday Afternoon Mueller - Mueller
Leader: Meredith Sanchez  Contact Leader
This form submits your registration to this LifeGroup. Slaying Giants: Finding Your Courage and Conquering Fear by Darlene Schacht, this study is for women in every stage of their faith journey. Whether you're just beginning to explore God's promises or have been walking with Him for years, this group will inspire and encourage you to trust in His power. We will reflect on Darlene's heartfelt journey of overcoming life's giants—like loss, illness, and uncertainty—and discover how the same power of God can help us conquer the fears and obstacles in our own lives. Through the stories of biblical heroes like David, Esther, and Moses, we'll see how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things when they step out in faith.

WHO: Women of all ages

WHEN: biweekly Sundays Mondays at 12:30PM

WHERE: La Madeline in Mueller 

LEADERS: Meredith Sanchez and Hilda Tijerina

Sign Up: LifeWomen Book Study: Courage in Faith

LifeWomen Book Study: I Surrender All (40 and up) Tuesday Afternoon Mueller - Mueller
LifeWomen Book Study: I Surrender All (40 and up) image
Leader: Leslie Weiss  Contact Leader
In a world where we often want to cling to our comforts and control, "I Surrender All" is a powerful reminder of what true discipleship looks like. It's about giving up everything--yes, everything--for the sake of Christ. Priscilla Shirer doesn't just tell us; she shows us, through her words and her life, what it means to live fully surrendered. Reading "I Surrender All" isn't just an intellectual exercise; it's a deeply personal challenge.

WHO: Women 40 and up

WHEN: Tuesdays at 12pm

WHERE: 1207 Marshall Ln, Austin, TX 78703

LEADERS: Leslie Weiss and Elizabeth Hinojosa

Sign up: LifeWomen Book Study: I Surrender All

LifeWomen Downtown: Now & Not Yet Book Study Tuesday Evening Downtown / UT - Downtown
LifeWomen Downtown: Now & Not Yet Book Study image
Leader: Mikayla Langham  Contact Leader
Study: Now and Not Yet: Pressing in When You're Waiting, Wanting, and Restless for More

Whether you're restless in your current season of life and just waiting—waiting to get beyond the pain, waiting for God to show up, waiting to get to tomorrow—the Bible Study will remind you that it's okay to not like the right now we've been given, but we don't have to like it to lean in.

Click Here to Purchase Your Book

This group will meet on Tuesdays at 6:30pm in the Downtown/UT area.

Please Register Here: LifeWomen DT Now & Not Yet Book Study Registration

LifeWomen Downtown: Romans Study Monday Evening Varies - Downtown
LifeWomen Downtown: Romans Study image
Leader: Jami Robben  Contact Leader

In this study, we'll explore the depth of God's love, His righteousness, and the practical ways we are called to live out our faith in everyday life. We will have time for discussion, prayer, and building strong community with one another.

This group will meet every other Monday at 7:00pm.

Please Register Here: LifeWomen DT Romans Study Registration

LifeWomen: Dealing with Infertility and Loss Thursday Evening Dripping Springs - Austin
LifeWomen: Dealing with Infertility and Loss image
Leader: Bethany Moore  Contact Leader
LifeWomen Infertility and Loss group is a resource for those experiencing infertility and child loss. We have leaders that can help through any need, from infertility, loss and adoption challenges. We are starting a study at the Dripping Springs Home Campus on Darden Hill Road on Thursday Sept 14th and lasts 10 weeks. Please contact the leaders: Bethany Moore 512-569-7839 and Tara Osborne 512-653-9559 with any needs or prayers.
LifeWomen: Discerning the Voice of God. Tuesday Mornings Tuesday Morning At SW Church - Austin
LifeWomen: Discerning the Voice of God.  Tuesday Mornings image
Leader: Joye Qualls  Contact Leader
Tuesdays at 9am. When: Tuesdays 9:30am -11am. Starting January 21, 2025. Where: LifeFamily Austin
LifeWomen: Fellowship & Outreach LifeGroup Varies Morning Leander - Leander
LifeWomen: Fellowship & Outreach LifeGroup image
Leader: Marie Ring  Contact Leader
Are you looking for a fun opportunity to connect with other believers, grow in your faith, break bread, and build relationships?  If so, you might be interested in joining our LifeWomen: Fellowship & Outreach LifeGroup, which meets throughout the month for fun, brunch and more. This group is open to anyone who wants to experience fellowship, prayer, worship, prayer walks, discussion, and more. Whether you are new to the church, a long-time member, or just curious about Christianity, you are welcome to join us. 
Click here to register!!!
LifeWomen: Morning Bible Study LifeGroup Tuesday Morning Leander - Leander
LifeWomen: Morning Bible Study LifeGroup image
Leader: Marie Ring  Contact Leader

Host: Marie Ring

When: Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30am

This group will help women of all ages experience the transforming power of Christ through the truth and beauty of His Word. You can certainly join this study group in addition to any of our other LifeGroups.

The study is 6 weeks long and begins on September 26th, at the LifeFamily Leander Campus.

Childcare will be provided but please register using the registration form below.

Register Here: Click here to register!!!

LifeWomen: Spring Seed & Flower Monthly Floral Design Group Wednesday Evening At SW Church - Austin
LifeWomen: Spring Seed & Flower Monthly Floral Design Group image
Leader: Madison Gunderson  Contact Leader
Join us once a month to create something beautiful of your own. Dates: March 19. April 16. May 21. Time: 6:30-8:30 Cost: Cost $30 a month. Childcare is available. Register Here. .
Leader: Marivel Fortenberry  Contact Leader
Host: Marivel Fortenberry Day: Monday's Description: Are you looking for a professional community of women who love God and support each other? Join us for our monthly women's LifeGroup, where we meet downtown Austin for prayer, and fellowship. Whether you are new to the faith or a seasoned believer, you will find a warm welcome and a place to grow in this group. Click here to register!!!
Make Your Mark Tuesday Morning Varies - Austin
Make Your Mark image
Leader: Mark Tennant  Contact Leader
A LifeGroup for business owners, C-suite execs, and entrepreneurs. Register here:
Married LifeGroup Circle C / Escarpment Area - Austin
Leader: Nicole Walpole  Contact Leader
Register here:
Men's Weekly Breakfast Thursday Morning At SW Church - Austin
Men's Weekly Breakfast image
Leader: Michael Grayston  Contact Leader
Join us for breakfast every Thursday at 6:30 am. We will be using 33 The Series, Authentic Manhood. Register Here: Men's Weekly Breakfast Registration
Men’s Bible Study Thursday Morning Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Men’s Bible Study image
Leader: Josh Sluder  Contact Leader
This LifeGroup is for men, ages 18+, who want to be real men as defined by the Lord Jesus Christ, not the world. We meet Thursday mornings at 7pm located at Life Marble Falls. Led by Josh Sluder Register Here:LMF: Men's Group
Mental Health and Your Church (Tuesday Evening) Tuesday Evening At SW Church - Austin
Leader: Teresa Davis  Contact Leader
Register here:
Mental Health and Your Church (Wednesday Morning) Wednesday Morning At SW Church - Austin
Leader: Teresa Davis  Contact Leader
Register here:
Middle School LifeGroup Sunday Evening Leander - Leander
Middle School LifeGroup image
Leader: Joshua Benjamin  Contact Leader

Host: Joshua and Sarah Benjamin

LifeGroups meet during our Student Service (LIFT)

When: Sundays at 5pm (ongoing)

Food, fun, worship and a relevant message!  

Register Here:Leander LifeGroups (Spring 2024)
Midweek Mommas Wednesday Morning Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Midweek Mommas image
Leader: Shanna Nutter  Contact Leader
Mommas! Do you desire to be known and connected to a community of moms who understand the journey you are on? This group is for you! We will meet Wednesday morning's at 10 AM! Register for this group here: Midweek Mommas
Mueller: Re|Engage Sunday Afternoon Mueller - Mueller
Leader: Raquel Gossett  Contact Leader
Re|Engage is discipleship-based enrichment for every marriage—the healthy, the struggling, and the broken. This ministry draws married couples to the church, giving them a safe place to move toward oneness through small groups, teaching, and stories of hope.

WHO: Married Couples 

WHEN: weekly Sundays at 12:30 

WHERE: LifeFamily Mueller

LEADERS: The Gossetts and The Diehls 

Sign Up:Mueller: Re|Engage

Multiplying - Creating a Culture of Disciple Makers Sunday Afternoon Leander - Leander
Multiplying - Creating a Culture of Disciple Makers image
Leader: Austin Boone  Contact Leader
Host: Pastor Austin Weekly: Sundays after 1:30-2:30 pm Where: LifeFamily Leander Campus Join us for an inspiring group study of "Multiplying" by Bob Magruder. Explore biblical principles of discipleship, growth, and multiplying your faith in everyday life. Perfect for anyone seeking to grow spiritually and make a difference! Click here to register!!!
Practicing the Way Wednesday Evening Horseshoe Bay - Marble Falls
Practicing the Way image
Leader: Monica Spruce  Contact Leader
7-8:30PM This group is for everyone! Join us as we get to know Jesus, become like him, and do what he did! Sign up HERE: Practicing the Way
Practicing the Way Thursday Evening Horseshoe Bay - Marble Falls
Practicing the Way image
Leader: David Murray  Contact Leader
7PM This is a group for everyone over 50: married or single! We will walk through Practicing the Way together where we will study the life of Jesus so that we can be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Register Here: Practicing the Way: 50+ Everyone
Praying Like Jesus Equip Group Sunday Morning Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Alison Keber  Contact Leader
Participants in the Equip Group led by Alison Keber on Sunday mornings at Cypress at 11:00.
re|engage Sunday Evening Marble Falls - Marble Falls
re|engage image
Leader: Nev Nicholson  Contact Leader
Re|engage is a discipleship-based enrichment for every marriage- the healthy, the struggling, and the broken. This ministry draws married couples to the church, giving them a safe place to move toward oneness through small groups, teaching, and stories of hope. We will be meeting on Sundays at 5pm at Life Marble Falls. Sign up here: Re|Engage (LifeFamily Marble Falls)
re|engage Spring 2025 Sunday Evening At SW Church - Austin
re|engage Spring 2025 image
Leader: Michael Grayston  Contact Leader
Santa Rita LifeGroup (40+) Wednesday Evening Leander - Leander
Santa Rita LifeGroup (40+) image
Leader: Scott Carley  Contact Leader
Hosts: Scott and Carol Carley When: Bi-weekly on Wednesday 6:30 pm Where: Santa Rita Ranch Join us for a LifeGroup where adults 40+ and empty nesters come together to share good food, great conversations, and grow in faith. Experience laughter, encouragement, and meaningful connections as we journey through life together. Click here to register!!!
Sermon Series LifeGroup Wednesday Evening Burnet - Marble Falls
Sermon Series LifeGroup image
Leader: John Renfroe  Contact Leader
This Group is for Empty Nesters. In this LifeGroup we will eat, connect, and unpack Sunday's sermon together. We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 pm in Burnet! Register Here: Burnet Empty Nesters
SpiritLife Wednesday Evening At SW Church - Austin
SpiritLife image
Leader: George Oakes  Contact Leader
SpiritLife is a class to discover more about the most precious gift Jesus gave us in The Holy Spirit. SpiritLife creates an environment for His presence to have a personal and corporate experience with the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit through worship and prayer. You are welcome with open arms. SpiritLife meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM, upstairs in room 230 at the Southwest Campus. Discovering the Intimacy of the Holy Spirit which enables us to glorify our Lord Jesus' Finished Work through Prayer, Worship & The Word of Life... NOTE: SpiritLife is an ongoing class that runs year-round. No registration is necessary - you can attend SpiritLife anytime.
SUNDAY BRUNCH: SINGLE ADULTS LIFEGROUP (40+) Thursday Evening Leander - Leander
Leader: Carrie Raymond  Contact Leader
When: Bi-weekly 2nd & 4th Sundays after 2nd Service This group is for single adults (40+). Bible Study and fun social events (concerts, hiking, bowling and more). Connect with other singles in our church!

Register Here: Leander LifeGroups (Spring 2024)
Through This Valley Tuesday Evening Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Through This Valley image
Leader: John Renfroe  Contact Leader
An 8-week grief support journey meeting at LifeFamily Marble Falls from 6-7:30PM. Register here: Through This Valley
Walking with Others Varies Leander - Leander
Walking with Others image
Leader: Austin Boone  Contact Leader
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in the community? Do you want to share the love of Christ in practical and meaningful ways? Do you want to be part of a team that is passionate about serving and supporting others in our community?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Walking with Others is the right opportunity for you!

Walking with Others is a Life Group that partners with Partners in Hope, a local organization that helps people in need by improving their living conditions, providing them with resources, and empowering them to overcome their challenges. We believe that God calls us to walk "with" others to live out His love through our actions and prayers.

As a member of this Walking with Others, you will have the chance to:

• Help neighbors in the community with various projects and needs…
• Connect people with support and resources from Partners in Hope and other agencies…
• Build long-term relationships with the people you serve and learn from their stories…
• Show Christ's love by being present, respectful, and compassionate…
• Pray for God to transform lives and communities through His grace…

You will be offered an opportunity to attend a two-hour training session called "Walking with Others", which will teach you the essential skills and knowledge to ensure a safe and effective outreach service.

We are thrilled to have you as part of this ministry and we can't wait to see how God will work through us as we walk with others.
Click here to register!!!
Winning The War In Your Mind Book Study Friday Evening - Mueller
Leader: Jennifer Miller  Contact Leader
In this LifeGroup, we'll read Winning the War In Your Mind and have meaningful discussions and fellowship. 

WHO: All Age Adults

WHEN: weekly Fridays at 6:30pm

WHERE: East Austin

LEADERS: Jennifer Miller and Joe Toolan

Sign Up: Winning The War In Your Mind Book Study

Women's Bible Study Tuesday Morning Spicewood - Marble Falls
Women's Bible Study image
Leader: Susie Mayfield  Contact Leader
This group will meet Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM in Spicewood. We will be studying the book of John together. Register for the group here: Tuesday Women's Bible Study
Women's Book Study Wednesday Evening Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Women's Book Study image
Leader: Mercedes McCloughan  Contact Leader
All women welcome. We will meet at 6:30 PM on Wednesday. Join us as we walk through a Francine Rivers book together,

Group Leader: Mercedes Mccloughan

Location: Marble Falls

Register for this group here: Wednesday Evening Women
Women's Book Study Wednesday Morning Marble Falls - Marble Falls
Women's Book Study image
Leader: Sue Boss-Lee  Contact Leader
This group is for women who want to walk through Paid in Full by Rick Renner. We meet at the Community Resource Center in MF Wednesday am at 10:00 - 12:00 Leader: Sue Boss Lee Wednesday Morning - Luke Bible Study for Women
You Are a Theologian: Equip Group Sunday Morning Dripping Springs - Dripping Springs
Leader: Kaimey Ela  Contact Leader
Class Registrants for Equip Group, "You are a Theologian." Sunday mornings at 11:00 at Cypress.
Young Adult Lunch Gathering Sunday Afternoon Varies - Austin
Leader: Ben Crellin  Contact Leader
Register here:
Young Adult Women’s LifeGroup Tuesday Evening East Austin - Austin
Young Adult Women’s LifeGroup image
Leader: Allison Moore  Contact Leader
We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice. To live by what the first Christian disciples called a Rule of Life—a set of practices and relational rhythms that slow us down and open up space in our daily lives for God to do what only God can do—transforms the deepest parts of us to become like him. This introduction to spiritual formation is full of John Mark Comer's trademark mix of theological substance and cultural insight as well as practical wisdom on developing your own Rule of Life. These ancient practices have much to offer us. By learning to rearrange our days, we can follow the Way of Jesus. We can be with him. Become like him. And do as he did. Register Here. .
Young Adults Bible Study - Mueller
Leader: Nick Hanson  Contact Leader
This is a group for Young Adults to dive into scripture together, along with building community with other young adults

WHO: CoEd 18 to 30

WHEN: weekly Mondays at 7:30pm

WHERE: LifeFamily Mueller

LEADERS: Nick Hanson

Sign up: Young Adults Bible Study

Young Adults LifeGroup Thursday Evening Leander - Leander
Young Adults LifeGroup image
Leader: Joshua Benjamin  Contact Leader

Host: Joshua and Sarah Benjamin

When: Thursdays @ 6:30pm (ongoing)

This group is for single young adults age 18-30. Bible Study, prayer and social events.

Click here to register!!!